Dr. B

I woke up to the news this morning that our dentist had passed away overnight.

He took care of my family for 25 years.

25 years.

He did the orthodontics for all four of my children, has taken care of abscessed teeth, fractured roots, root canals and crowns.  But, never once did I feel like he tried to get me to ‘fix’ anything that wasn’t a necessity.  He was a good and decent man who lived for God, his family, his friends, his staff and his Texas Aggies.

He was an amazing dentist with a quick wit and a goofy sense of humor. His office style was laid-back, and there was an ease among the staff that evoked a sense of happy.  His employees were all long-term, which says a lot about the type of boss he was.  He could tease and joke and yet, be serious and empathetic when needed.

Being a huge Texas Aggie fan everything in his office – and even his car – was maroon.  My boys, who loved his easy-going manner and totally non-threatening threats about wreaking pain during ortho appointments, would dare to wear burnt orange just to get a reaction from him. (Rival University of Texas colors are burnt orange and white). He would always comply and they traded many good-natured barbs over the way they were dressed.

I still feel stunned.  I am going to miss this relationship so much.

I believe in God and know that His plan is always good and right and perfect.  I also know that he understands why so many of us are grieving tonight. My heart is saddened for my own loss but, it breaks even more for his beautiful wife, children and granddaughter.  I will lift them up in prayers during this difficult time.

God Bless You Dr. B.

And, rest in peace.

Matthew 25:21  His master said to him, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share your master’s joy.’




Thanksgiving Eve Sunset

On this warm and windy Thanksgiving Eve my house smelled of  cinnamon and spice and everything nice as two loaves of pumpkin bread baked in the oven.  It evoked a feeling of coziness and safety.

And yet another reminder of how much I have to be thankful for.

Inevitably – as it always is in nice weather – the back door was open and I wandered to the back yard so I could enjoy a few relaxing minutes.  In addition to the delectable aromas wafting outside I noticed a red tinge to the sky.

Another one of God’s beautiful pieces of art was evident for all to see.  The sun was setting and the sky was lit up with those brilliant colors that make you want to stand still in wonder at the majesty of it all.

The colors were changing by the second and within ten minutes the brilliance had dissipated.

Another reminder to savor the little moments when and while you can.

On this, the last night of the amazing hues of autumn, (before the Christmas colors take center stage) I couldn’t help but grab my camera so I could remember the moment.

Have a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving!