
WordPress Daily Prompt – Final

We lost a beloved member of our family yesterday when our dog, Ricki, died.

A great dog who joined our family as a puppy, we loved her dearly. Full of life and energy, with two different colored eyes, the softest ears ever, and a black, cold, wet nose.  A nose that  she would affectionately ‘goose’ us with – particularly when we were wearing shorts. Yow!  Her personality was sweet and outgoing and she was ever-so-patient with all those around, especially children.   She loved to be loved and was never shy about asking people to pet her.  With a keen awareness of human emotion she instinctively knew if we were happy, sad, sick or excited – and would stay near no matter the circumstances.  When no one was looking she hopped on beds and pretended to be totally innocent when we walked in the room. And, she relished joining the fun no matter who was jumping on the trampoline.  If anyone was hugging – or dancing – Ricki would stand on her hind legs so she could also be part of the action.  And, if you played the harmonica she would howl until the raucous stopped.  She had a ferocious bark but never harmed one person.  She loved to run free off the leash and right into the lake, river or creek – and even the snow – but she always came right back.  Wanting to experience a little freedom she never once drifted too far away from us.  Whenever we came home she always ran up to the gate to greet us.

She was a big part of my heart.

An important piece of our family.

She was joy.

I feel no guilt for the tears I have wept and the sadness I feel as I mourn her passing.  I will miss her but I am grateful she was part of our lives.

Ricki and Lucy, my dynamic duo, is now just a party of one.  And our family as a whole feels a little less complete.

Rest in peace, Sweet Ricki.

WPC: Reflecting

It is wonderful to walk into the church when it is packed with parishioners ready to worship.  It is also amazing to visit when it is completely empty.

I took this picture of the crucifix reflecting  in the baptismal font with my iPhone.

It was just me and Jesus.  The peace was overwhelming and the beauty of the moment wondrous.